Demo CPA Marketing!

CPA King!

 What Is CPA Marketing & How Do I Do It? 

Of all the marketing methods and strategies, there’s a definite wrong way and a right way to go about CPA marketing. 

“CPA” stands for “cost per action” – and (unlike Pay-Per-Click, where, no matter what action is taken, you are still credited simply for the clickthrough),a specific action has to be taken by the person clicking through, before you can receive any compensation. Some of these actions could be: 

Providing an email address

Providing a name and email address 

Providing a zip code 

Providing a phone number 

Providing full contact information 

Making a purchase 

You particularly need to know what you’re doing, if you’re planning to experiment with CPA marketing, because the results in a huge percentage of all cases are typically small – often less than the sign-up fee, if there is one; or PPC ads you may be using to drive people to your site. And there are definitely certain CPA areas that pay significantly better than others. You need to know what these are, so you can make sure you use them wisely and well. Why is CPA better than PPC (Pay-per-click)? Well, for one thing, with PPC, you’re the one doing the paying – you’re the advertiser. With CPA, you’re the one who stands first in line to receive the giant Twinkie. 

    CPA NETWORKS These offers are typically managed through large CPA networks such as Neverblueads and Share-a-Sale. Typically, you are required to sign up first for these networks – and wait for approval. Knowing the best ways to get yourself legitimately approved is the first of our CPA “must-learns”. These large networks have whole sets of criteria, often quite different from what Joe Lonely Marketer might be concerned with, when he’s considering you as an affiliate. (And yes – CPA networking could be seen as a form of affiliate marketing.)

 You can, of course, market with CPA offers without going through a network – but there are 5 major advantages to going the network route: 

1. Advertisers feel secure and professionally handled with CPA networks. They know they are less likely to be victims of CPA fraud 

2. Advertisers don’t have to do any work: You capture them actual subscribers they can follow up with at their leisure – they reward you for that 

3. The payout rate is usually higher with a CPA network than if you go with an individual advertiser 

4. CPA networks often provide all the promotional material (and often tools) you need 

5. CPA networks often tend to give extra rewards to good affiliates who generate results 

    Which Niche Markets Convert Especially Well – or Especially Poorly? Unfortunately there is no easy answer to that. You see, the markets that pay the best also generate the highest competition – but if you know what you’re doing, they can also pay the highest rewards. Market research – not just keyword research – is a huge key to unlocking the jackpot… but you have to know the hallmarks that clue you in to CPA keywords and offers that will work for you and your website(s). Some markets just traditionally pay a lot higher than others – for example: Anti-Aging Skin Care Credit cards Debt Relief Insurance Mortgages Dating agencies Free gift cards Game sites Weight Loss Now, mind you, this is not to say these are the ones you should leap straight into promoting! For one thing, competition is extremely fierce, and a few are considered by Google (and the rest of the world) to be on the shady side – so shady that various online sites such as Squidoo have banned certain subjects altogether. (Two of the “banned” ones would be Acai berries – a proven scam – and gambling links. Avoid those like the plague!!!!) However, you are certainly not limited to the above category list! If you research and find a lucrative niche, or you are an authority on one that has nothing to do with the above, by all means, find CPA offers that focus on your unique market. Looking At The Figures One of the most assured ways to make money with CPA marketing is to capture a simple zip code – not for you; for your network. This is usually achieved with a juicy bribe provided for your visitor by your CPA network: Something like a free coupon in exchange for an email address or zip code. Positioned and presented correctly, you will attract the most interested buyer – one who won’t feel like she’s being coerced out of her contact information. Click-throughs will flow naturally: In fact, your reader should find it harder not to click than to click! This type of CPA offer also often pays a little better than others. You might make as much as a $1 per click (or more). This might not sound like much, but say you managed to attract 100 visitors to your website daily (not impossible, with the right tactics) and an average of 10 a day click through……That works out to $70 a week. Now pretend you’ve got 6 of these sites set up, all equally successful. Suddenly, that’s $420 a week – a cool $1,680 a month! (Not bad for a semi-“autopilot” site with an irresistible offer.) You can see here that your research and knowledge will be crucial, meaning the difference between a nice little second income… or peanuts. (How you set up your websites, too, will make a difference, once the costs are subtracted from your click-through sales.) And the Reality Is… Well, the reality, of course, is that most people half-read-up on CPA (usually a razzle-dazzle “CPA MILLIONS!”-type guide), slap something together after some hasty research, ignore SEO and promotion… and wait for the money to pour in. Then complain the most loudly when it doesn’t. Undertaken this way, the only thing that can be “guaranteed” is that their profits will more likely be $2 a week (if their lucky). “You Get Out of It What You Put In” – Who Said That? So, does the old adage, “you get out of it what you put in” truthfully apply? Pretty much. If you don’t do your homework and spend at least some solid initial time in: Researching and signing up with the right networks Researching and finding the right offer for the right target customer Promoting it in places that target customer is going to find it You’ll end up with probably a little less than you started out with. However, if you put in your time up front, do the research (about 3 times more thoroughly than you’d really like to) and set realistic expectations for yourself, you’re much more likely to hit our “Average Ideal Scenario”, above. CPA networks, and How They Work The first thing you have probably already realized is that there are a lot of shady companies out there, and you don’t want to work hard to gain Don’s trust, then send him to a company that doesn’t deliver what it promises – worse, is out to scam him! One way to protect yourself – and Don – is to join a CPA network. Unfortunately, it’s hard to tell what benefits each one offers, until you’ve signed up and tried them out. 3 highly reputable companies to start with are: Clickbooth Pepperjam ShareaSale Later on, after you’ve got the hang of CPA marketing, you might wish to try a few more. 

Here is a sampling of better-known CPA networks:


 AZN Network 






That will be all for today, join our next episode


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